


This is a two-part exercise.


Part One is an exercise in listening, Part Two is an exercise in observing what might be going on in an interaction.


For Part One, listen to the brief excerpt of conversation, and 'rewrite' the accompanying transcript, now adding details such as overlap onset, intervals between utterances or utterance parts, and salient intonational features, e.g., pitch and volume. [You may want to consult the transcription symbols, compiled by Dr. Jefferson. -- AN]


For Part Two, focus on two or three lines and briefly describe some sort of interactional 'event', 'activity', 'problem', etc., that seems to be occurring.


(And we ask that each participant work individually rather than consulting with others.  Also, those who have seen, or even worked with the fragment, don't need to feel that they'll be 'cheating' if they now sit with just the tape and the unmarked version, and produce a transcript, marking various features which they consider to be salient.)